• Shekinah Bible School
  • Ignite Us Again
  • SGM E-Church

Special Edition Blue Flame

It is time for your passion to reach the throne room of God in "Ignite Us Again"! Have you felt the blaze in your heart start to diminish? Has your passion for the presence of the Father been asleep? In this book, Apostle Riley unveils secret chambers of heavenly encounters through prayer. You will be awakened to enter the courts of heaven and receive fresh revelation. Restoration of love and passion for the heart of God will be rekindled like never before. This 31 day journey gives a daily word that will shift your prayer life into a new dimension!

Special Edition Blue Flame
Special Edition Blue Flame
SKU#: PROD82043
Price: $40.00

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Special Edition BLUE FLAME Book

This book is designed with a special impartation for you. When we look at the different types of fires, we find that the blue flame is the hottest temperature of a fire. This special edition book contains a note from the author that is sure to inspire you to be on fire for God like never before!