Degree Program
Christian Counseling
The Christian Counseling Degree Program begins with an introduction to the general profession of counseling from a Christian perspective. Our program integrates disciplines of psychology and theology with a focus on spiritual healing and soul care. This program focuses on three critical components of effective Christian Counseling including Holy Spirit (who is the true Counselor), Principles from the Word of God, and Understanding Human Psychology and Development.
Ministry Leadership
This program is focused on building and equipping those who are to be ministerial leaders. The program begins with a foundation of Christian leadership principles from a theological, theoretical, and practical approach. Leadership is crucial to the development and stability of any ministry or organization. An important question to consider is, "How are Leaders Developed?" In this program, we build upon followership to equip those who are called to five-fold ministry or are senior leaders of their own ministry.
Biblical Studies
This program is designed to study the prophetic theological, theoretical and practical approach to biblical study and interpretation. Student learn in-depth revelatory principles of studying the scriptures. The goal of this degree path is to further equip students with the knowledge and strategies of dissecting the Word of God. Our program integrates the disciplines of theology and pedagogy with a focus on spiritual revelation and scriptural application.
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To learn more about the online course, complete your application today! If you are looking for a place to ignite the flame of God in your heart for kingdom assignment, Shekinah Bible Schools of Ministry is the place!
- Affordable Courses
- Valued Learning Experiences
- Spirit-led Institution
Shekinah Bible Schools of Ministry is an internationally accredited institution